Training philosophy.

I view training in the same light as many of life’s greatest challenges; marriage, raising kids, personal finance, health and happiness. When boiled down the path to success in these different ventures is often fairly SIMPLE but never EASY. Spend less than you make, more is caught than taught, never go to bed angry, move more eat less, keep it simple stupid (KISS)… All these horrible clichés have a simple message that is rooted in truth, but can often be hard to carry out. Training is the same. If you ever find yourself doing a reverse lunge into a bicep curl on a bosu ball, STOP, find the nearest barbell, put some weight on it and put it over your head.

My training philosophy revolves around the basic human movements. These are a push, pull, squat, hinge and loaded carry. If you become stronger and more efficient in these movements, you will become a stronger and more efficient human being. Ground breaking stuff here folks. As I have heard strength coach Dan John say many times, “Little and often over the long haul.” This is how I approach training and the mindset I try to instill in my clients. Join me in my quest to be better than yesterday, and when in doubt, find some heavy shit and pick it up.